Monday 25 February 2008


Had so much fun yesterday on our Neighbours tour and Neighbours Night! Where do I begin?!

We had to get up early because the bus picked us up at 8:35am from the centre of town (after getting lost on a tram we only just made it in time!) Our bus had 24 people on it and we headed off on our adventure! Firstly we saw the school Erinsborough High (which is in fact a school for people who come to Oz and speak no they don't even appreciate the importance of their school!) We then headed off to the studios...which we couldn't go into but we saw the budget they film on...really funny to see the bush they use when they go camping etc. is in fact not THE Bush...but A bush...and a tree! : D It's very cleverly filmed! While all of this was going one we were watching a documentary on Neighbours, telling us all about the life and times of the long running characters and detailing deaths and marriages along the way! A great bus journey!

When the moment of truth arrived and we turned into Pin Oak (aka Ramsey Street) we were a little shocked to be honest. There is, again, some very clever camera work to make to street look like there are 30 houses in it! There are in fact 6 houses and not even enough room to swing a cat...sorry to disillusion you! Can you tell who's house I am standing outside? Prizes for the correct guesses! Amy and I really enjoyed Karl and Susan's house because it is the most recognisable with it's rose archway.

So we headed back to St Kilda where we met one of the stars of the show and had a chat with him and he signed Autographs for us! Can you tell who it is?! Max Hoyland...he was hilarious, really down to earth and a genuinely nice guy, pretty funny too...we hada good chat about trams and the underground! Very surreal, but cool though.

In the evening we were driven into St Kilda to the Elephant and Wheelbarrow pub where the Neighbours Trivia Night is held. You meet some stars and also sit at a triva table and there is a general knowledge quiz, we had some pretty cool people on our table but we didn't manage to rank..we were cool but not too clever! We managed to meet loads of stars! I hope you all still watch it because some of them are pretty new characters: Rebecca (who is dating Paul Robinson), Steve Parker (related to Ned and Stuart), Marco (who is Carmella's new love interest), Max Hoyland, and the famous Karl Kennedy!

All of them were really lovely (particularly Marco! See photo girls! They signed autographs and all that malarkey, and didn't seem bothered at all by our hysteria!

The final excitment cam right at the end of the evening when Dr Karl's band Waiting Room came out and did a gig for us! A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! That is all I have to say on the matter! Other than we missed the last tram home and had to walk miles across town! Whoops! Never mind though...a good night was had by all concerned!

1 comment:

crnt said...

You guys are so cool for meeting all the neighbours cast. No, seriously. You are really cool. Honest. Love me xx