Monday 4 February 2008

Tokyo - Japan

Konichiwa! Arrival in Tokyo was much nicer than expected (even though it was delayed by an hour and a half) as we managed to get an upgrade to club! It was a very nice flight, and (thanks to some masterful navigation skills on Amy's part) we managed to get the connecting trains to the hostel. Been exploring the area and the shops. All fun and games, and even braved a traditional Japanese restaurant and bought some "interesting" sweets...oh yes I fogot to mention the bottle of Sweat Amy bought!

All in all it is very nice here, currently 7:30 in the evening and it's strange thinking you guys are only starting your day! Hope it's a good one...speak soon.


Jan said...

How lovely to hear from you already, didn't really expect to hear so soon.

Glad the flight was good with the clubbing up etc. And you survived the length of time in the air. What is the weather like there. Is it colder than here?

I have been to the ladies afternoon and played bowls and been in the gym.I am not vegetating.

What is Sweat (not real sweat is it?).

Well this is the second time I have typed this comment, the first time the blog site decided to close and I lost everything and it was so much better than this attempt.

Have a great time. Lots of love, Mum xxxxxxx

Denis said...

Mushi Mushi. Konbanwa. O genki desu ka? Suki desu ka in Tokyo?

Impressed or what and its 10 years since I was in Tokyo.

You did very well to get the train - I could never find the station at the airport and always got a cab in and that took 90 minutes minimum:) and cost £100 - sorry Y230.

Nice thing about Japan - its clean and the people are very friendly and the food is fantastic and not fattening. You dont see many Fatty Jappys only Happy ones.

Missed you at work today - no one to chat to on the way in and had to lunch on my own - still saved £15 in the process - he he he. And Debbie phoned in sick on her first full day on her own without you. You did tell her she doesn't work in finance didn't you ? (private joke)

Exciting day tomorrow - dinner with HRH Princess Anne in her private apartments at St James Palace you know. Will tell you all about it laters. Not as exciting as yours and Amy's though - and don't forget you must try th Kobe beef and Tempura Prawns washed down with a nice glass or 2 of Sake before you jet off to Sydney.

Sayonara. xxx