Friday 22 February 2008

Update on Phillip Island!

Hi again! I have a bit more time today and am able to fill you in on a few details that got missed out in my previous blog! : D

I kind of feel that I made it out to be really dull and boring...sorry about that, in actual fact it was beautiful, and really chilled out, we sat on beaches and just chilled, which was perfect after our mad dash around Sydney! In Merimbula it is important to note that the kangaroos use their tail as a 5th leg! It's so cool to watch! We took a video so we can bore you with the details of it upon our return!

In Phillip Island we arrived in the pouring rain, and the lady at the front desk upgraded our twin room to a cabin, and we had our own private shower and kitchen! : D I even had a double bed! Amy however, slept on a shelf! Most amusing! I also mentioned we were going to see the penguin parade int eh evening, well we went...and the bus that was supposed to pick us up turned out to be a car, which was the only taxi running on the island that night! we arrived and sat for an hour in the freezing cold while the sun went down, and then around 9:00 little groups of penguins kept on coming out of the water! : D They were so full of fish that they waddled around and fell all about the place! So cute though! Phillip Island is just liek the Isle of White, we even stayed in the town of Cowes!

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