Monday 25 February 2008

Sunday Shopping...and walking!

So...we officially love The Nunnery! On Sunday we had FREE PANCAKES for breakfast! Awesome...and they were real ones...none of this American rubbish! Very much enjoyed that. So after a very satisfying breakfast we headed off to Camberwell market just outside the city, which to be honest was a bit of a flea market but there were some amazing bargains to be had! Amy picked up 2 dresses for $20 that's 10 pounds to you and me! Pretty bargainous if you ask me!

We headed back into town and grabbed some lunch before heading over to a backpacker expo to listen to a NZ talk, given by a guy from Rotarua. Got loads of ideas for where we want to go and what we want to do, so we're really looking forward to that. Seeing as we leave Oz on Thursday morning it seemed about time to start organising NZ! : D

Not to break the habit of a lifetime we headed down to St Kilda in the afternoon to go to the famous Sunday craft market...and oh my goodness were we glad we did! It was amazing. I was very restrained (you will be pleased to hear dad) and managed to only buy a (gorgeous) bag and a pearl necklace but most of the people we met there had websites...and were more than happy to ship to the UK! Let's hope I have some money left by the end of my trip!

On the way back from St Kilda we stopped off at Albert Park, for those of you in the know that is the location of the Melbourne Grand Prix on the 13-16 March 2008. Amy's family are pretty Grand Prix mad so we thought we'd go have a look at it and take a few photos...somehow we managed to get onto the track because on a Sunday they have a day off from setting it all up, so we had a wander to get some good photos. 3.2 miles later, having walked the entire length on the track we had some amazing photos and some very tired little leggies! Although now, if you watch the Grand Prix you will know someone who has been on it first! We were very tired after this experience and headed off to bed with a glimmer of excitement...for Monday was Neighbours Day!!!!!

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