Tuesday 5 February 2008

Sightseeing in Tokyo

Stupid jetlag! After only a few hours sleep we managed to navigate our way from Asukusa - Ginza - Imperial Palace - Shinjuku - Asukusa and only got lost once! Even that was when we arrived at Asukusa again and came out of the wrong exit! Every station has about 10 exits and a host of underground tunnels which are easier to navigate and better signposted than the streets!
The Imperial Palace was pretty cool, although you can only see the gardens and we asked a random helpful man where the palace was and he pointed to some trees and said the Emperor was a "very special man" and the Palace is hidden from view. The other places we visited, Ginza (the shopping district) and Shinjuku (the business district) were not as peacful as the Imperial Palace but were your typical Tokyo scene of expensive clothes and flashing neon lights! We have settled for purchases from the Asukusa district where it is a bit old town and cheaper!

We had some traditional raw minced tuna for dinner, which Amy described as "interesting"! Apart from being a bit odd, I think it was a success!

So tomorrow we depart from here and head to Sydney...if we can ever master the online check in! Oh well, we shall see!

1 comment:

Ruth said...

How strange to think you are on the other side of the world (literally)! Thanks goodness for t'internet! And thanks for taking the time to write this Fan, it's nice to get a wee glimpse of these places through you!
So did you get a complete culture shock, or are you a far too experienced traveller by now?? :-)
Tokyo sounds a wee bit like Thailand, except much cleaner (so much more "Dani").
Anyhoo, enjoy the rest of it, and have a good journey to Oz.

Love you xxxx

Ps - Why am I not surprised that you got upgraded to business???